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Minimum 80 percent Koogle Content

(guest entry by fedward, for those with a copy of the home game)

One. I can prove I lived with Amanda for a year because she gave me her password wrong, and I fixed it on the first guess.

Two. Didn't see her today, but she called(!) which means she's out of the ICU and into a room. Specifically, room 785 of Inova Fairfax Hospital. She sounded good. Can't really sit up yet (ow!) but she feels good, her blood sugar is taking care of itself, and aliens still haven't taken her brain. All she remembered of my visit the other night was thinking that she'd seen my orange jacket, which verifies how out of it she actually was.

Three. She'll probably be in the hospital until Thursday. Cards and flowers and stuff are welcome. Email me (fedward at fedward dot org) if you need more specific delivery instructions and I'll see what I can scrape together.

Four. I'd talk about makeup, but almost all the makeup I've ever worn has been Ben Nye, and a good portion of it has been applied by people trained to do so. Koog's out of my league.

Five. Following a thread on other diaries, the Fedward History of Cologne: Elizabeth Taylor's Passion for Men (I always wondered how they managed to bottle it); Woods (from Abercrombie & Fitch -- I would also have bought one of the other fragrances back when they had four, but they discontinued three of them in between when I got the samples and when I went back); Minotaure (the Paloma Picasso thing). I think the old line about how you're supposed to find one scent and stick with it was merely practical advice and not "you must do this," but I tend to be rather slow-moving with the fragrance choices. Obviously if your umfriend/spouse really likes the one thing but doesn't like the other thing so much, stick with the one they like. Duh. Me, I stick to one fragrance because (1) most days I don't wear cologne anyway as a practical matter, and (2) you should never wear fragrances around singers, so rehearsal and performance days are right out. I wear cologne maybe twice a month, if that.

The other old line is that you're supposed to throw fragrances away one year from purchase. Bah. Yes, the essence alters over time, but if you still like the way it smells then just keep the damn thing. You paid too much for it just to throw three quarters of it away.

Six. Shoes. I own more than Amanda. This was cause for consternation for both of us when we moved in together. I wear Birks more often than any self-respecting single straight guy ever should (they've been referred to as "birth control shoes" on more than one occasion, and led to an interesting conversation at a party once), but the most recent acquisition - a pair of Kenneth Cole monk straps, went over very well at the wedding last weekend (or two weekends ago, depending on your relation to GMT).

I guess that's it for now.

22 oct, nine pm comments (0)

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