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Things in my life

It's hard to get in the holiday spirit when your friends--whom you don't call often enough, even though you mean to--all seem to be going through things.

I want to go out and get them all glittery presents, give them and say "Here! Glitter makes the sad go away! Shine and be happy." Of course, nobody would believe this coming from me. Well, they'd believe it when the glittery thing turned out to be Urban Decay eyeshadow, which I've been wearing every day because it sheds glitter subtly over my face as the day goes on, and I love that. But the happy part? Forget about it.

I am pretty happy. I finally made it down to my office earlier, just to say hello and prove that I'm still alive. Apparently they talk of me as a walking miracle now, which is a bit strange. It was nice to see everybody, but my real purpose was to clean out my desk. It's not that I'm planning on leaving, but I'd rather have my personal stuff out of there, just in case. I've had insider information that contract negotiations aren't going well, and that things on that contract remain up in the air; this goes contrary to what I was told right before my transplant, but that seems like a long time ago: literally another lifetime.

So my manager, whose last day on the job is today, advised me to be on the lookout for something new, which I am. This doesn't change the fact that I have to go back to work for the contracting company in order to avoid getting screwed by my insurance carrier to the tune of... we won't talk about that right now, since bills from the transplant are still coming in. I wonder if I'll ever know exactly how much it cost?

All that aside, I walked back home from Metro by way of the Market, which is closed today, but the tree-selling folks were out. I'm hoping to be able to put up the tree weekend after next, maybe the 16th. I'd even like to have people over. I think the best part of the holiday season is bringing a tree into the house; I think I like it almost as much as the cats.

Oh. I painted my toenails last night. They're dark metallic red now. Gash. I *heart* this color; I *heart* my red toenails so much that I want to wear sandals so I can share them with the whole world. Unfortunately, my desire to have warm feet supercedes that wish.

My fear of hypothermia beats the fabulosity of my toes every time. Damn.

2000-12-04, afternoon comments (0)

before - after

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