. Ham on Wry .
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It's a little like falling off a horse, but not really

I gave myself a subcutaneous injection today. Not insulin; epogen, for my anemia. I can truthfully report that jabbing myself with a needle is still no big deal. I'm sure I've done it 10,000 times. I hope that the epo perks me up. Although my iron stores are acceptable, my hematocrit is getting low again.

I'm sure that means very little to most of you.

The house is really clean now. This makes me happy.

I know I've mentioned before how much happier I am in a clean house, and you would think that would make me a consciencious housekeeper, but it does not. When I'm healthy I manage to keep things picked up, but lately I can't even do that.

I had terrible luck finding a service until I picked up a random flyer from a service that said they also do organization. I thought that sounded all right, and the price they quoted was reasonable, so I decided to hire them.

I'm happy with the results.

I'm also lusting after a washer and dryer that would be truly perfect if... they were in my house. They're too beautiful for the basement or the back porch. Swoon. I could put them someplace and when people came over, I'd take them in to see the washer and dryer.

And then everybody would know that I am part of a different lunatic fringe: the appliance junkie. Currently I am merely a wannabe, and I guess that's OK.

05.25.2002, 11:15 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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