. Ham on Wry .
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Forecast for the next three months: hot and sticky

Here I am again. Whoo.

I feel better today than I did yesterday, and much better than I did last night. Wild health swings, I tell you. But really, I'm fine.

The radio described today's weather as Code Red, which I believe has something to do with the ozone layer. I tried looking up "code red" on the National Weather Service web site, but all I came up with was some junk data. I don't know whether it would be better for me to drive up to Dupont or to walk to Metro and take public transit. Instinct says drive, because I am a very selfish being; I'll probably walk and Metro because I am not that selfish, plus I can't really run the AC in the car in DC traffic. Bah.

The other, more flippant term the radio used was "wearable weather," to which I say "no thanks." I'm afraid this weather and the bitterly cold winters we've been having the last few years are result from our excessive behavior. I wonder if Americans have screwed the whole planet, and I think that would suck if it were true. I see the amount of plastic products that get thrown away after each of my dialysis treatments, and I don't know what happens to the stuff? Is there any way it could be recycled? Probably not, but I'm horrified nonetheless.

On the other hand... there is no other hand. I'm not a tree hugger, but I think that in the face of global warming you have to look at the effect we've had on the environment. It's real, and to me at least, it's scary.

2000-06-27, 14:49:19 comments (0)

before - after

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