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Were you looking here for information, you silly thing?

I've noticed a couple of Google searches that turn up in my logs from time to time, and rather than feel guilty that people look here for actual information about various topics, I decided on this entry.

Gladys Noon Spellman, born Gladys Blossom Noon in New York City, was a congresswoman from Maryland. (Isn't "Blossom" a great middle name?) She served from 1975 until 1981; she died in 1988. Before she was elected to congress, Spellman was a teacher in the Prince George's County, Maryland public schools and was active in county politics. The Baltimore-Washington Parkway is named for her, as well as an elementary school in Cheverly, Md. She is buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va.

Blaine Trump, New York socialite, seems to be one of those people who is famous for being famous. She serves as vice chair for an organization called God's Love We Deliver, which delivers hot meals to patients with HIV/AIDS and apparently has nothing to do with prosletyzing, despite the name. She was named as a Fabulous Fashion Independent--whatever that means--by Mr. Blackwell in 1988. In 1999 she was named one of the best accessorized women in America, by whoever names such people. She was also named one of the 50 Most Beautiful by People. Gossip columnist Liz Smith describes her as "ubiquitous, charity-minded and attractive." Apparently she worked for Christie's before marrying Robert Trump, whom I assume is the professional investor rather than Donald Trump's brother. As far as I can tell, the closest thing Blaine does to work is shilling accessories on QVC. She donates her profits to God's Love We Deliver and gets good press for doing so.

Born Shoes are manufactured in Denmark and have been sold in the U.S. at stores such as Nordstrom since 1994. They are incredibly comfortable, moderately stylish in a sturdy way, and reasonably affordable in my opinion. The company makes styles for men and women, and I still say they're the only shoes I can wear all day the first day they're new. They may be purchased online if you aren't afraid to buy shoes over the 'net. I find that the women's shoes run a little big, but not much. If you want to find them in your area, try the corporate web site. Born Shoes have Koogle's highest level of approval, which may not mean much to you, but life is too short to wear uncomfortable shoes.

Survivor Lyrics. I'll be honest. I wouldn't be able to tell Survivor from Journey if my life depended on it. I couldn't name a single member of the band, and I don't know any of their songs. Now, these nice people can help you. If you're actually looking for the words to the Destiny's Child song "Survivor" I don't know those, either. Try here. As far as I know, which isn't very since I've never seen the show, there is no singing on TV's Survivor.

Various Makeup Topics Yes, I'm a fan of makeup. Combing through my archives will yield you plenty of information about whatever I think is fabulous at the time. Currently I'm looking for a good foundation for a pale person with very sensitive skin, if you have any suggestion. I'm still on an Urban Decay kick, if that matters, and I still like Nars quite a bit. I'm a little down on Stila because Urban Decay eye shadow is so much better, but I could change my mind. Stila has great basics, but as a line it's not all that exciting.

Creed Sucks I can't really add anything to that, except to ask if you know anybody who admits to liking Creed. I don't. Creed sucks so much that I can't imagine anybody finding even a guilty pleasure in their "songs." If you got here by searching on "Creed Sucks," welcome.

The Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler is all right. It's better than other eyelash curlers of its type, because of the silicon pads, but it's still an eyelash curler. If I were buying one today, I'd go for the heated variety. Bottom line on the Shu after using it for close to a year: don't fully believe the hype. Yes, it's better, but not that much better. My tip for using it is not to crunch down too hard on your lashes, otherwise you still get the bend that says "I just curled my lashes." My other tip is that you should apply mascara first; I know this goes against most makeup artist advice, but you're not supposed to use that much mascara, anyway. Just a little will do. Let it dry first, then curl.

More as searches warrant...

2001-04-17, evening comments (0)

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