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Up and Down

OK, here's the thing.

When you haven't painted your nails in, like, three years, you forget how to behave for the minutes while you wait for your nails to dry. What this means for me is that both pearly white thumbnails are going to have to be repainted. I think this sucks, and I thought I'd share that with you.

Today has been a day of ups and downs, and it's only 9:00. I saw my endocrinologist this afternoon and she says I'm doing very well. Huh? I don't remember the last time a doctor told me I was doing well. Anyway, my last HA1C was 6.2. What that means is that my average blood sugar level over the past three months was 129. That rocks. No, I mean THAT RAWKS.

On the other hand, I left my umbrella in a cab, then it started raining.

I finally got around to calling the transplant folks out at Fairfax Hospital, and I made an appointment to meet with them. On the other hand, my shell account finally went kaput as of today. It's really no big deal, but I have to point my domain at a real server now. I'll be a Person of No Account for a couple of days. Whatever.

Oh, and I found my SmartTrip card. You see? Up and down.

2000-07-19, 21:58:30 comments (0)

before - after

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