. Ham on Wry .
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Life is hard sometimes

Think good, healthy thoughts for Lola, and I suppose for me too. Dr. Stephens called this morning to report that Lola's toxoplasmosis titer came back positive. Her globulin is up, too, and there are some other elevated levels that are consistent with a compromised immune system.

I know in my heart that I ought to find another home for her; I know this would be the smartest thing to do, but I think about it and I get to a place where the idea that Lola wouldn't be with me any more overwhelms me.

She's a cat with health problems. Who would take her in? She is pretty and genuinely affectionate. She gets along with other cats and dogs, but she doesn't care much for young children. And then there's the problem that I don't know that I could live without her.

I'll have to, some day, but someday is part of the future. At least it's not tomorrow. This seems like one of those times when the smart choice and the right choice are different.

I hope you never have to face one of those times.

2001-03-04, afternoon comments (0)

before - after

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