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I wish I lived in Wisconsin *sigh*

I don't know about you, but I think the Tankini sounds more like an alcoholic beverage than a swimsuit variety. In any case, it's not the swimsuit variety for me.

I ordered one from Lands' End, a company I love because they have high-quality products and a fabulous return policy. So my order arrived today after being shipped yesterday--and no I didn't pay extra for express shipping--and I tried on the things I bought. The blouses are wonderful, especially the white-on-white sheer with pearl buttons, swoon I just love the cuffs on that one. The pants are fine, though I'm not crazy about the shade of gray on the gray ones; the swimsuit is going back home to Wisconsin.

The bottom part fit really well, and the top part fit, but it just looked wrong on me. I kind of expected that the front part might ride up a little, but it didn't; the back part did, and it felt weird. The problem might just be that I needed a little more length than that size and model provided, or it might be that my head isn't ready for my body to wear a two-piece swimsuit, no matter what size.

A swimsuit should not be my first priority, as I don't live anywhere near a beach, and I rarely visit people who do. (Even my relatives in Florida live in Orlando, not very close to the beach.) I also stay far away from swimming pools, as my skin is made unhappy by chlorine.

So you see, the return of the tankini is not much of a problem.

2001-03-07, afternoon comments (0)

before - after

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