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This is so cool


My debut as a makeup artist, in which I will be paid to teach women about makeup, is scheduled to happen Monday evening.

I'm concentrating on eyebrows, mixing lipstick colors and using brushes. I'll also cover getting your makeup to stay on during the humid summer months.

Yow! I need to go out for some supplies: cotton pads, makeup remover, a mixing palette, brush cleaner. Film. Also, I need to figure out what to wear.

Oh, and I picked up my latest roll of film. There are a couple of good pictures of my Lola, and I will post them anon. Greg, my hairdresser, saw the pictures, and not only did he comment on her beauty, he saw my pictures from Ellen's party and said I have really good looking friends. (

new">Nicole and Ellen, that means you.)

2001-06-14, Afternoon comments (0)

before - after

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