. Ham on Wry .
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Let a smile be your umbrella

Apropos of nothing...

Have you ever been in a situation where a person, standing some distance away, happens to make eye contact; this person looks for a matter of seconds. The look isn't fraught with tension. It doesn't carry any hidden meanings or secret messages, but in that time the look and the looker reach you in a way you didn't expect.

You look back. What else are you going to do? In acknowledgement, the looker smiles.

A hundred million stars come out right about then.

There's no mistaking that he's smiling at you, because you know these things. It's the sort of smile that says "I see you, and that makes me happy." It's the sort of smile you want to keep with you, in case you need to send it on to somebody else....

So, anyway, have you? I was just curious.

2000-09-03, late evening comments (0)

before - after

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