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Down on the corner where the cats hang out

Do you live in the Washington, DC, area?

Do you need a pet?

I think you do. This area is filled with people who seem to be married to their jobs. If you spend too long like that, cooped up in your office slaving over nothing important in a human sense, you run the risk of becoming dehumanized yourself. A dog or a cat could help put your world back in perspective. And haven't you been missing that?

No, I'm not trying to pawn off Lola and Hecate. I'm allergic to them in a bad way, it turns out, but they mean so much to me that I'm keeping them. However, the DC shelters are full of aminals who'd love to come home with you. Just look at their faces, read their stories; some of them break my heart.

Offering an animal a place in your home is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Why's that? In exchange for the occasional belly scritch, food, water and a warm place to sleep, a pet can give you something that almost nothing else can: unconditional love.

Think about it. Who couldn't do with a little unconditional love?

2000-09-22, evening comments (0)

before - after

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