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More Songs about Lola and Hecate

More about Lola. I assume you're all sick of reading about Lola, but since she's my baby everything she does is special and fabulous. (This is why I don't have actual human children. OK, one of the reasons. Let's say this is the reason that it's good I don't have children and leave it at that, shall [1] we?)

Since having those teeth extracted, she's behaving more like a cat and less like a cushion. Yesterday I brought home some new toys. They were intended for Hecate, because Hecate likes toys; Lola never has. Hecate was mightily impressed with the woolly mouse, and she set about killing it; Lola took to the busy balls with the feathers. She batted the pink one around and even chased it under the couch a couple of times. The truly impressive thing was that she got the ball out from under the couch. I was so proud of her.

Later in the evening, Lola willingly ate a cat treat. Again, these were intended for Hecate, who has always liked treats. I thought I'd try one on Lola and she gobbled it down as if it were a Chee-toe.

Herself is also very fond of the new cat bed. Now, I have to explain that the cat bed consists of a large basket that I stuffed with a soft pillow in a flannel case. Without really thinking, I placed the cat bed on the site of one of Lola's favorite sitting spots, on the second floor right next to the bannister. Now she curls up in it very sweetly.

Meanwhile, Hecate stalks around the house with a royal blue and black woolly mouse in clutched in her mouth. I'm sure she's imagining mouse blood dripping from her fearsome teeth. This one knows what cats were born to do.


[1] Generally, the word "shall" bothers me. It is not a natural part of American English, where "will" is used in the first person future tense by all but pedants and hard-core Anglophiles. About the only time you'll ever see me use "shall" is in that interrogative construction. That Americans are not English is not a crime against the language we sort of share. You could look it up.

2001-03-22, afternoon comments (0)

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