. Ham on Wry .
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Setting Screens

The weather outside isn't frightening! I don't know whether to go for a walk, or set about opening a lot of windows inside.

I should do both, and I should stop at the Market on my walk to get a crunchy apple. I know that apples are more a symbol of fall, but I tend to think of apples as the only fruit you can eat while taking a walk.

After my walk, I'll go to Home Depot to get new screens for the windows. That's a facet of East Coast windows that I still find unnatural. Back in Texas, screens go on the outside of the window; here, screens are removable and therefore easier to lose. Of course, back in Texas there are more windstorms and tornadoes, and those tend to loosen a few screens here and there.

But damn, it's good to be thinking about window screens.

2001-04-04, Afternoon comments (0)

before - after

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