. Ham on Wry .
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Good Fer What Ails Ya

I am back again. I know I'm getting tired of saying that, but it's better than still being in.

Unfortunately I missed my chance to protest the "inauguration." I even had a sign made Dear Shrub: Please stop sucking. *heart* Koog The other side, in honor of Fedward, was going to read Bush Not Liar, Bush Says.

On the other hand, I just ordered Indian food from White Tiger, so I think I'll go wait for it. I haven't been eating much, and I'm hoping some nice tasty saag paneer will hit the spot.

At least I'll have a bite, which will be a small victory in itself. I love food; more than anything I want my body to be able to enjoy it.

2001-01-22, evening comments (0)

before - after

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