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Help Koog make Cookies!

People, I need help.

I need cookie recipes. I'm serious here. I tried doing a google search on "holiday cookies" and came up with what I thought was the jackpot: holidaycookies.com. Eureka! I thought, I'm saved.

(You see, I've forgotten what kind of cookies one even makes at the holidays. I used to bake, I really did, but I haven't done so in a long time.)

Unfortunately, most of what that site features is recipes for cookies that various readers have submitted. While I'm sure they're all fine and well, I don't think I need another recipe for cookies that uses breakfast cereal that comes in a box.

I looked through the many church cookbooks that my grandmother and great aunts have sent me over the years, but there aren't very many cookie recipes therein. Church ladies seem to share their cake and candy recipes.

I want to bake this year; I need to bake. I'd like to give the whole world a cookie. Actually, I want to do it to prove to myself that I really need a stand mixer, which I still don't have. I'd buy one, but several problems from my employer's end have left me in not the optimal position to buy myself a big present right now. This, of course, sucks, but I can make do with what I have.

What I don't have, as I was saying, is recipes. Or at the very least, what kind of cookies say "holiday" to you? This would be yet another handy way to use the guestbook, which doesn't seem to be the attraction I thought it would be. Perhaps I'm not being provocative enough.

Don't worry, I'm not going to show you my scar. Pbbbbbbbt.

2000-12-04, evening comments (0)

before - after

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