. Ham on Wry .
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That, bar none, is my very favorite 'net meme. Who ever could have guessed that re would come to be short for "rehi" in some circles. Of course, in those circles, I guess it never was short for "regarding."

In any case, I'm home after a shortish hospital stay of three nights, four days. It's just like a weekend vacation package, only a lot less fun. I am happy that I went in when I did, though. If I'd waited as much as one more day, my situation might have deteriorated even more. E.coli is dangerous stuff, and that's the bacteria that gave me trouble this time. It was gram negative, meaning that I didn't contract it through something I ate. Nope, it came from within my body and manifested as a UTI.

The other news is that my transplanted kidney has moved. Again. Although this sounds like bad news--and initially I thought the worst, because that's my way--in truth, the little fellow may have found a permanent home behind my uterus.

At last, a use for the thing!

This development means that I can never bear a child, which was never more than the most remote possibility, so it doesn't bother me as much as that kind of news might bother some women.

I'll be honest: it doesn't bother me at all.

More intersting to me is the fact that I made it through a very trying stay, on a weekend when I should have been with my friends having fun, while experiencing PMS. Although I wished for a stack of plates to throw at a wall, or a bat and a big pile of fruit to destroy, I never snapped.

Now I am looking forward to getting back to my cleaning, to going to the Tidal Basin tomorrow to check out the lingering cherry blossoms, and to cleaning up the back yard this weekend. I think I'll get a big flower pot and plant kitty grass for my girls. I think they'd like that.

2001-04-09, Evening comments (0)

before - after

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