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Red cars and blue cars go by...

Today has been cool, gray and rainy, so I spent the lazy day I wanted last week: I slept late, even for me. I've determined that really fine knit sheets are the luxury item everybody should have. You pair supima cotton knit sheets with a fluffy down comforter and several fluffy pillows and it's like sleeping in a cloud. Once I got up, the cats and I went downstairs where we watched Cary Grant movies all day long. I couldn't get the cats to share the only available lap, but we managed. For the most part, Lola sat on my lap and Hecate sat right next to me; both got adequate scritches and I think everybody was happy.

At lunch, I had a grilled cheese sandwich with sharp cheddar and yellow tomatoes. Yellow tomatoes are so good. I swear, red tomatoes ought to just give up already! Mine are the Lemon Boy variety, I snagged them at the market on Saturday. I kept thinking they were a little lemony, they were quite tasty.

Then I took a bubble bath with Lush Flying Saucers foam. It's lovely, smells of honey and beeswax from British Columbia.

Shortly, I think I'll make some tea.

I couldn't ask for a better day.


Note to Katfish: My friend Tom from Dallas had white-blond hair for a while. He just used the plain creme developer stuff. 20%, as I recall. You get it at the basic beauty supply warehouse, it comes in big bottles. Tom used the Clairol, for what it's worth.

My other bit of advice is that if you want to go that white, maybe you should go to a professional after you wait out the potato-chip color. Color correction is not something that should be done at home.

Ben and Bits had their hair matching for a while. It was freaky. They both have naturally dark blond hair. One day, Ben stopped by after work and I asked what happened to his hair. "Carribean Mahogany," he said, grinning. I think that's from the brand that uses "You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman" in their ads.

I refrained from asking, because I didn't really want to know.


Answer to Ellen's Cheesy 80s Song Challenge : "I Can't Fight That Feeling Any More," by REO Speedwagon.

Now I want to know what the other song was.

2000-09-25, afternoon comments (0)

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