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Soylent Purple

I am trying, people.

Protein powder sucks the life out of anything it encounters, let's be perfectly clear on that. Yesterday I think I made it to 80 grams of protein, which sounds like a lot except that I'm supposed to shoot for 100. Even that wouldn't be so hard if I had any kind of appetite.

Today, I ate the following things:

1 serving Kashi GO Lean cereal (13 g)
1/2 c. 2% milk (3 g)
Combination Salad from Luna Diner (Approx 30 g)
Think! Protein Bar, Chocolate Coconut Raisin flavor (6gr)
6 Bing cherries
4 Boca "Chicken" Nuggets (15 g)
1/2 Ginger Cookie
1 Fruit shake (23 g) made with:
1/3 c. protein powder
1 c. rice milk
1/2 banana
1/2 c. frozen berries
2 t. pure maple syrup

For a grand total of 88 grams of protein, give or take.

The fruit shake came out of the blender as 500 ml of cold purple glop. I finished it, but I didn't enjoy it. I'll try different combinations, maybe more liquid would help.

The only fully enjoyable part of today's food adventure was a radish that came sliced on the salad. Oh, and the cherries. Forgive me for forgetting the cherries. I don't mean to complain; I mean, I'm glad to be alive. I'm grateful not to be in the hospital any more and I'm even thankful to be mobile, but... you knew there was a but I feel like I'm going to hurl at the turn of every corner.

In other health related news, I got the tubes out of my neck this morning. Now, I appear to have been mauled by a bear, but it beats the tubes all to hell. I suppose that I should use the happiness I feel from this lack of tubes as motivation to help PD do well by eating as much protein as possible.

That's a lot easier than it sounds.

2000-07-17, 23:24:45 comments (0)

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