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Life in Present Participles

Life in Present Participles

Feeling: All right, I guess. I'm not sure. Really, I'm not sure.

Wearing: Pale beige cargo shorts (!), beige linen shirt, sage green linen cardigan, SmartWool socks, Birks. I've got that EuroTourist thing down.

Wondering: How did Sisqo conjure the phrase "She had dumps like a truck"? I don't understand that one at all. What the hell are "dumps" anyway? If somebody could explain that, I'd have a better idea how they could be "like a truck."

Eating: Nothing at the moment. I had orangey Gatorade and Vienna Fingers for breakfast when I got up at 8 and a cheeseburger from Market Lunch about half an hour ago. I hope that's enough to test my digestive tract. So far it's failed every test, but I keep hoping.

Doing: I'm about to go back to my paint scraping, then I'm going to measure for shelves in the bathroom. I may head out to pick up a portable CD player in a bit, but I may not. Tomorrow I'm going to Front Royal for a visit, but before that I have to fold the laundry I washed this week. My life is so exciting.

Also wondering: Has anybody else noticed that President Shrub's single original "initiative" is to allow T-ball on the South Lawn of the White House? I find this deeply disturbing.

Concluding: If I had unlimited funds, I'd buy the people of the United States a real, fucntioning president with a working brain and a Kung-Fu grip.

Have a nice day,

2001-03-30, afternoon comments (0)

before - after

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