. Ham on Wry .
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An entry with a lot of parenthetical statements

Here it is, 11:00 a.m. eastern and it's time to write in my whatever the hell this is. Daily proof that I exist? Maybe.

I was thinking about the mail I get from this whatever.

Part of the reason I don't have a personal web site is that I used to get freaky stalker-type mail from lonely sounding guys who seemed to think I was sensitive. (I have no clue where anybody would get that idea; I am not sensitive, although I am fairly observant and I tend to use a lot of adverbs.)

This bothered me. (On the other hand, it did not bother me as much as the ad in the diaryland header, the one that starts out "Attention Poets!" Shudder.)

When I started this project, I didn't really think anybody would read it except my actual friends. However, I get mail from strangers. Most of it is good; for instance, a guy from Memphis (who has a rather cool diary himself) wrote to me about sweet tea. His note inspired me to consume part of a glass of that beverage when it arrived in front of me last weekend.

Let me tell you, it hit the spot.

Anyway, I made a promise that I would answer my mail from that point on (this was in the beginning of September). Oddly enough, the person I promised isn't a reader as far as I know and has never sent me e-mail, he just said that I should. I generally mean to answer, but I don't always do it. (I don't always answer my non-diary related mail, either; I'm bad that way.)

However, if you've ever dropped me a note, don't be surprised if you get a response several weeks, even months later. Don't you know that I save those notes? There are a couple I've gone back to read again.

Most of those have been answered already.

2000-10-17, that time again comments (0)

before - after

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