. Ham on Wry .
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You knew I was going to cry, didn't you?

I forgot to mention what a sucker I am, which was the reason I got online in the first place. I watched the tape-delayed coverage of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics tonight. I got all misty a couple of times during the Parade of Nations.

The first time was when the Canadian team walked in. This doesn't make any sense at all. I am not Canadian, and although I have many Canadian friends, I don't have any reason to feel residual pride in their Olympic team. The athletes all looked so happy, though. A lot of them had the maple leaf painted in red on their faces. They were just the cutest things ever.

The second time was when the Korean teams came in together. I did more than get misty, I actually cried. Everybody in the stadium stood up and cheered. The athletes were smiling and holding hands. That, I thought, was what the Olympics were supposed to be about.

I was glad to see the Americans, but there were a lot of them mugging for the teevee cameras. However, I found myself getting all sniffly again when the home team entered the stadium. They all looked so healthy and strong in their strange, rumpled uniforms. They were radiant and joyful, knowing how good their country looks today.

Then I finished cleaning the bathroom. My life is so strange.

2000-09-16, one more thing comments (0)

before - after

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