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Big Bird in My Back Yard

A robin has built her nest under the awning that hangs over my back door. This is causing temporary problems.

You see, the nest is right about even with my head if I stand on the porch. The robin isn't all that fond of having a human head right next to the spot where she decided to build her nest and lay her eggs. Every time I step out on to the porch, which is generally to call cats inside, she flies to the relative safety of a nearby tree, where my head is not.

She is beautiful: a sturdy, orange-breasted bird with tawny tail feathers, a smooth gray head and a pointy beak. She sits on her nest and keeps her eggs warm; the screen door stays open so the girls can go in and out as they please. Hecate seems very interested in the robin, but so far the robin does not seem to mind Hecate. (Hecate has no front claws, and she couldn't get anywhere near the nest. I know she can't do any damage, but Mama Bird does not know this. I applaud her calm under the circumstances.)

I do not believe that Lola has noticed the nest, which should not come as a surprise to anybody. It is entirely possible that Mama Bird has not noticed Lola. If she had, I can't understand why she'd choose to nest in a yard where a large, scary looking furred beast hangs out, especially when hanging out for Lola means sitting on the porch, pretty much directly under where Mama Bird built her nest.

When Hecate goes outside, she looks up at the nest for a few seconds and then she goes out to sit by the fence to look out into the alley, wishing she could go out there to roam. When Lola goes outside, she heads for the closest sunny spot and without further ado, she plops into it.

In the event that I have to go out in the back yard, I will use the basement door. This will be a drag, but the robin needs not to be disturbed. How long does it take before a nest of eggs hatches? How long after that until the babies fly away and the robin moves on to somebody else's back porch?

I don't really mind her being there; actually, I think it's kind of cool to have an unexpected family of guests. I just wonder how long she'll be there.

2001-05-07, Evening comments (0)

before - after

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