. Ham on Wry .
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To know that you've forgotten something, you have to remember it.

Random, dull notes from my day, which was dull.

Y'all who are my regular readers may remember the several times that I've said I'm working on a new template; this time, it's really true. See, "making a new template for Diaryland is a one of those things on the conceptual to-do list, but that list has a large number of entries, and you know how that usually goes.

Anyway, at some point during the last two days, I began to make good on that entry. I just wish I weren't so persnickety about design. I know exactly what I want, but I want it to load quickly. I've got two ideas, but for one I wanted red as an accent color, unfortunately I don't like the way the graphic turned out, namely because I don't like the red. (I do like the composition of the graphic, though, and it's nice and small.)

And then there's the dropdown menu issue. Do I use the dropdown menu and risk that new visitors will never find my board? I still think my board is fabulous, though I haven't been working on its content this week. My intent is to put any product reviews there, and I do have several of those to write. That way, people who are interested mainly in makeup, skin care, or appliances can read the Blab.

Such angst over something that means so very little. Quel waste.

Oh. I baked cookies tonight. I wanted something sweet, and initially I was going to go for ice cream, but I decided to bake oatmeal cookies instead. I put chocolate chips and coconut in them, and they're quite tasty. I've decided that for me, anyway, the trick to baking cookies is to preheat the oven for a really long time, much longer than I previously considered necessary. Why? Just about every time I bake cookies, the second batch kicks the first batch's ass. Tonight I figured out why.

Don't ask why it took so long. I used to bake very regularly, but I stopped doing it eight or nine years ago. I think I must have forgotten everything I ever learned.

The same thing seems to have happened with web design, as well. However, I have not forgotten how to tie togther two otherwise unrelated subjects.

Hooray for me, I guess.

2001-05-30, Night comments (0)

before - after

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