. Ham on Wry .
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A second entry about my hair

Well, my hairdresser liked the henna. Then he cut most of it off.

Go figure.

My hair looks great, though. I look about 100 times cuter than I did this morning, which begs the question "why did you ever grow your hair and why did you let it stay long for such a long time?" To which I can only answer "Because I'm a moron."

I have short, wavy, auburn hair; the way nature intended.

Life is pretty good.


I'm taking off for a few days, and I'll be gone until after labor day. I have to get back for labor day itself, because my friend Rose is getting married. This will be my first lesbian pagan "wedding." I haven't managed to find out where they're registered. They have to be registered, right?

In other marriage news, my brother and his wife have been married ten years this weekend. Wow. Theirs is the best marriage I'm aware of, and they're the only couple I can think of in which there's zero possibility of divorce. Now that I've said that, watch them split up next week.

OK, actually I can think of at least one other couple that will never split, but it's because they're so unbelievably boring. That neither puts the other to sleep at dinners alone amazes me; in other words, they couldn't be better matched.

I love that.

2000-08-29, early evening comments (0)

before - after

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