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Aminal Crackers in my Soup

Aminal Crackers in my Soup

Well, I do not have a new cat. His name is Byron and he's a Maine Coon mix. The other volunteer woman thought he might be a full Maine Coon, but I don't think so--too small for a male, and his paws were like regular cat paws. However, he crawled up in my lap and stayed there for a long time, leaving a lot of his brown tabby fur when he left. The other Coon mix is CQ, a huge guy who isn't much for being held, but he likes to lay in the middle of the floor on his back with his legs in the air. I wouldn't call him charming, but he didn't have to be at his magnificent size.

They both show well, so I believe that they will homes. Pango, a two-year-old male Birman shows beautifully. He's a lover, not a fighter, but he's also a biter. I'd never seen such a lot of long white hair and he rubbed up against my legs for a long time. He has dark brown points, beige legs and violet eyes. There's a pair of gorgeous Siamese, too--a mother and son, seal points with deep blue eyes. They're completely dependent on each other, and that made me sad.

The dogs seemed a little more desperate, and there were so many of them. I was taken with a full-coated border collie mix, she was so gentle. I also met a lovely, huge Great Dane. Also currently housed at the WARL are four bunnies and a cockatoo.

So, I'm going back on Tuesday. It was nice to be able to hang out with all the cats, but I'll be able to learn more during the week.


I think my foundation problem may be solved, at least for the time being. I snagged a tube of Revlon Skinlights in Natural Light today. What is it with me and drugstore products recently? Anyway, this stuff is a sheer, slightly pearlescent stick foundation. It looks great with translucent powder over it, so we'll see how that works out. It comes in several different shades, the one I got is the lightest; I think it was $12.

I'm more willing to risk $12 on something that might suck than $40, you know?

2001-05-20, Evening comments (0)

before - after

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