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Sorry I haven't been writing, but I've been headachy the past few days. The time that I've spent in front of the computer has been frittered away researching a couple of veterinary issues. Not issues that affect my girls, I'm happy to say, just a couple of things about the feline endocrine system that make me wonder. (Yes, I am still thinking about the vet school idea, but I'm also still wondering if I could hack student life after having had money for a while.)

One small victory: my favorite cat from the rescue league got an application and is going home with his new people tonight! Yay Byron, and yay to Byron's new people. He's a great cat. We adopted six kittens out today, but the gorgeous crazy Siamese twins are still there. I'm afraid they're going to need to go to a home of somebody who has experience with the breed who currently has no cats. They are so beautiful. I've never before seen creatures with eyes like theirs.

One thing about shelter cats is that they don't purr. They're always happy to get attention, but they almost never purr. I suppose they're not comfortable enough to relax. I tell you, volunteering with rescue cats is the best job ever. You get to go in and scritch kitties, and that's all! That's what you do, you scritch kitties.

So, I have finally seen the inside of the house next door, which is in pretty much original condition. Helene, the neighbor, has lived there since 1921. She rocks. We were talking out in our respective yards, talking about the various remodellings that have happened in my house over the last many years, and she asked if I'd like to see the inside of her place.

There's a built-in storage unit in the kitchen that would make the place much more useful. Helene's skylight wasn't painted, and she still has the wood floors in the kitchen. She also has the original interior and exterior front doors... I'm so jealous. Oh, and there are some of the original light fixtures. Wow.

On the other hand, the houses in our row have built-in armoires in the front bedrooms. Helene says they're Eastlake, which would be good. The one in my place is pristine and has never been painted. That's pretty much the only good thing I can say about the place as it stands.

It was good talking to Helene for a while. I said she ought to write an article for one of the local rags, and she said she'd been trying, so I said I'd help if she was interested.

That would be cool.

I have highlights in my hair now. They're very subtle, and I thing Greg wants to go back in and re-do some of them. We'll see. Now it's time for me to call the vet's office to see if Lola is ready to come home.

Oh! I know! The robin's eggs have hatched, and the back porch is the proud new home of a nest of baby birds. Though I know they will grow into beasties with sharp beaks that could potentially peck out my liver if given the opportunity, right now they are cute little things with fluff balls on their heads.

Also hatched was Ben and Bits' brand new daughter, Lorelei, who arrived yesterday. It was a pretty nice day, so I guess she picked a good time to come.

2001-05-15, Afternoon comments (0)

before - after

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