. Ham on Wry .
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I wanted to note something before I leave.

I can think of few things that please me more than snuggling under a pile of covers on a cool morning. It's extra specially nice when a cat or two comes to snugggle with you. (Yes, even when you have a person, cats make generally good snugglers.) That little bit of morning when I'm aware but not awake, and I realize that the air is cool but my blankets are warm from being slept in all night... it always makes me smile.

I am sure that I define "cool" differently than you do, but it's a rare treat to have cool mornings in August. Because I grew up in Texas, and because I am probably a reptile, cool == >70. So, I am sitting here, lazy in a long flannel nightgown relishing the lingering morning chill.

I am remembering a person who made me feel the same way as warm blankets on cool mornings.

It's good.

2000-08-21, 11:48:49 comments (0)

before - after

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