. Ham on Wry .
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Jump back and kiss yourself

(Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your koogle, another guest entry from Fedward ...)

Got a call from Amanda yesterday. She'd gone into the hospital for some routine tests, and they'd kept her. Her symptoms were dehydration and low blood pressure. She'd felt fine except for whenever she stood up, and as she was leaving after the checkup, she lost her breakfast in the hallway and they put her in a room.

So I saw her last night -- she wanted Chee-tos, doctor's orders, so I took her a bag as well as a Dr. Pepper -- and she didn't think it was necessary for me to update here. She said she felt fine just as long as she didn't try to stand up, and they were checking for internal bleeding.

So I got another call from her this morning. Definitely internal bleeding, but minor. They were going to give her another blood transfusion, more IV liquids, and keep her through tonight. I was supposed to update this twelve hours ago, but it was a busy day at work what with the Australians showing up for a tour and all. So here I am.

Anyway, she was feeling great and should be going home again tomorrow.

1 nov, eleven pm comments (0)

before - after

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