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Speaking of Fur

Well, tomorrow was supposed to be the Day the Haircut Misery Came to an End. However, I got a phone call this morning that put that notion right out of the realm of possibility. You see, Greg, my hairdresser, is in the hospital.

This is so sad. Part of me thinks it's sad for Greg, because I know how much it sucks to be in the hospital. Another part of me--and I have to admit that this is the larger part--thinks it's sadder still for me. My hair looks lousy, people. Oh, my hair looks bad. It needs cutting. It has needed cutting for many weeks because I forgot when Greg was going on vacation. (I thought he would be gone the last two weeks in March, not the last three weeks in April. D'oh.)

A friend remarked to me that I'd be justified in cheating on my hairdresser under these circumstances, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Greg always does a really good job on my hair, and I hate to take a risk with something so important. I need only wait until Thursday, and then I'll be much happier.

You just don't realize how much your hair affects your life until your hair goes out of control.


Now, I'll cop to watching E.R. for my weekly dose of cheesy melodrama. I watched it when it was decent, and then I think I started watching again after I began spending a lot of time in real emergency rooms. There's a lot less yelling in real emergency rooms. However, last week's episode had one story line that involved two guys dressed in animal suits who got into a scuffle at a "con." One of them remarked to a doctor that he wasn't a "furvert," and then explained what a furvert was.

I thought that the writers of E.R. had finally made up something really creative as a one-off subplot, because I couldn't imagine anybody actually wanting to wear an animal costume on a regular basis. Eeew. Talk about something that would cause problems for your skin.

So Ed and I went out get food last weekend and I related this story, thinking that the writers had made it up, and so forth. He suggested that I should try a google search on "furvert."

I liked the world better when that term was a figment of somebody's imagination.

What makes this even weirder is that I've started reading the forum at cats.about.com because the guide there has an FIV+ cat and she writes about him and his health quite a bit. There's a significant number of people who post there who refer to their cats as "fur babies" or "furkids." Lots of them have multiple, multiple cats.

Don't get me wrong. I love my cats the same way people are supposed to love their children. I would run into a burning building to save them; but I will never, ever, resort to calling them furkids.

2001-05-08, Evening comments (0)

before - after

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