. Ham on Wry .
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Feathering the nest

I don't have a banner ad, yet. I keep thinking I should finish my redesign and then do a banner ad. The hangup about my redesign? I don't know... I finished the graphics and the layout, now I think it's too dark and gloomy.

I mean duh. I did it in the middle of the night.

On the other hand, I look down at the sunny spot on the floor, the one where Lola lays with her half-shaved coat, and that's what I want my redesign to look like--a sleeping cat in a sunny spot. Does rest get any better than that?

It might, actually. Lola, Hecate and I all love the new featherbed. We spent many, many hours lounging there over the weekend. I recommend featherbeds to people who have trouble sleeping, or people who have old mattresses. As I generally say, if you're going to get one, get a good one; but if you wake up in the morning and you don't feel rested, a featherbed might solve your problem.

It's hard to concentrate on stressors in your life when you snuggle down into a nest of feathers, especially when you have purring cats as company.

Oh. Tomorrow is the first day of spring. Here in the Mid-Atlantic region the weather forecast is for snow Wednesday and Thursday.

I don't get it.

2001-03-19, afternoon comments (0)

before - after

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