. Ham on Wry .
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So tired. Too tired to come up with a title before I start writing, which should be enough to tell you that this is all off the top of my head.

I worked on cleaning today, and although I got close to 12 hours sleep last night, I turned up exhausted by 6:00. That strikes me as wrong in so many ways.

It seems like I had a busy weekend, but I can't remember all that much of it, except being in a room full of people from Iowa, being handed an orange acrylic wig, then happily putting it on my head. I thought it looked cool, but what do I know?

Oh, I know. I saw high-definition teevee for the first time yesterday. Very cool. I'm sure I'll be a sort-of early adopter once there's a decent selection of programming. Well, if I were the sort of person who watched a lot of teevee.

Rob came over this afternoon. We intended to go to Market Lunch for crabcakes, but ended up at Sizzling Express for sandwiches. The inside part of the Market was closed for Easter, though there were plenty of vendors outside. He watched Junkyard Wars while I packed clutter in Basic Storage Boxes, the kind with the lids. Rob also said he'd hold me to my promise to deal with the clutter in the boxes after the cleaning is finished.

It's good to have somebody who'll sort of hold you accountable, isn't it?

2001-04-15, night comments (0)

before - after

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