. Ham on Wry .
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I'm free to do what I want any old time

I want to know how this happened.

I was sitting here at the computer minding my own business when I remembered that I had something on the stove, something on which I was supposed to have reduced the heat several minutes earlier, except that I'm a goofball and forgot--as opposed to being hepped up on goofballs and forgetting, which is different and much more fun.

So I stood up in preparation for becoming Person Clad in Pajamas Descending Staircase when I discovered that I was wearing only one slipper.

Readers, I had been wearing two slippers, a complete pair. Really! The only thing I could do was to remove the other slipper before Descending Staircase. I arrived in the kitchen to find my lentils singed, but not badly. I have yet to decide whether they're burnt beyond recognition, but I think they're not. For one thing, they didn't stick to the bottom of the pot--and if they were going to stick, this particular cast-iron saucier would be the one to make sure that happened--and for another, as I went down, the scent that filled the hall was earthy like lentils, not like burning.

But I still don't know what happened to my slipper. I can't imagine myself walking around with one foot bare, but I suppose stranger things have been known to happen.

Oh, slightly monumental day yesterday. I didn't update because I spent way too long out at Fairfax Hospital and by the time I got home I was tired, but I left with actual medical clearance to drive. I'm going to celebrate this development by taking a longer walk than usual, because I know irony when I see it.

The process involved me asking "So, Doc, can I drive yet?" then a doctor looking at my pressures over the last week or so and saying "I don't see any problem with that."

If only everything in life were so simple.

2000-11-17, morning comments (0)

before - after

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