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More about Lola and a bit about dogs

I never realized that the Washington Monument was visible from I Street SE. I was driving along, going to get on 395 South, and I stopped at a light. I looked ahead and noticed the obelisk pointing toward the sky. The time of day was such that the east-facing side of the monument was shadowed, and the south-facing side was the exact same color as the sky.

The effect was a dark gray cutout against a pale gray field. It was very cool. I thought of Lola.

She was a big hit at the Capital Cat Clinic, which was recently named the best vet clinic in the DC metro area by Washingtonian Magazine. The women at the counter oohed and aahed over her prettiness. One of the office cats stayed in her carrier all day, and the other kept trying to make friends. Dr. Stephens said she was very good all day long, and I managed not to cry when the tech brought her in.

She was also surprisingly good during our ride home, which made me happy. I'm not sure I could have handled her crying today. She's been quiet since I got her inside, and she wasn't very excited about the Chee-toes I offered her.

I've been doing some reading about FIV, and there's not a lot of information out there. Apparently there's been some success treating healthy cats with AZT and Interferon, but there are risks involved, too. Basically they try to treat secondary infections as best they can. The only thing that gives me pause right now is her sneezing. It may be a problem, but it may not.

We've been sitting in front of the TV watching a dog show tonight. I don't think she's all that interested, but she's enjoying the laptime. So far I like the Golden Retriever, but I don't know if it won its group or not. I'm happy to report that herding dogs have separated off from the hounds. They now have their own group. You go, herding dogs. Woof.

2001-02-13, evening comments (0)

before - after

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