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More random thoughts from the middle of the night

Another late night product plug:

Bloom Everyday Shampoo is very nice. It's full of nice-smelling things, the foremost of which is geranium. While I do not think the geranium is a very pretty flower, as flowers go, I dearly love its scent. I'm not crazy about the Everyday Conditioner. It's a little bit heavy and I don't care for the scent; however, I do like the way it moves through my hair. I mean, I don't have to use too much of it to make it spread through; perhaps I should try using a little less to get the right balance.

My new kitchen toy is one of those electric grills, which I like so far. This one is the Hamilton Beach model, not the George Foreman model. It claims to make french toast! The first thing I grilled was Boca Nuggets and I have to say that it did a much nicer job than the microwave. The nugs were heated all the way through and there were no tough edges. You know nuked faux meat gets? Anyway, if you're a fan of veggie burgers and the like, you might want to consider a grill. Tomorrow I'll go to the market and get some grilling vegetables and try doing tempeh and vegetables. If that works, I'm set.

Tempeh is my new favorite food, by the way. It has 23 grams of protein per serving and takes very well to sauces. I found a new protein bar that has 20 grams per, but it tasted like paste to me; besides, it's an Atkins Diet (tm) food. I don't really want anybody to get the idea that I eat like this by choice.

Really, I would just as soon eat potato salad, pasta and huge green salads, but they keep telling me I'll die if I don't eat my protein. I hadn't eaten enough protein in three or four days, and today I felt lousy. So, I learn to like tempeh.

In other news, I give my current haircut three more days in this weather. If I hate it short, which I don't think I will, it will grow back.

Oh, Catiecake will appreciate this: Last night when I couldn't sleep, I got up, got online, found a lyrics site and sang John Denver songs in a high, churchlike voice. I cracked myself up. Tonight I thought about a story I haven't worked on in several months; it's still missing a major plot point though.

Maybe another chorus of "Take Me Home, Country Roads" is in order.

2000-08-01, 03:19:33 comments (0)

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