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Cats and flowers

There are times when I don't understand my Lola. I was napping--beautiful napping, I dreamt of eating fresh pineapple--when all of a sudden I heard this pathetic yowling from downstairs. It was Lola, crying her heart out. I think she thought I'd abandoned her.

I called for her, to let her know she wasn't alone in the house; within a few minutes she made her way up the stairs and part of the way down the hall, to where Hecate had posted herself. Lola just flattened, even though Hecate has no claws and is about twice Lola's age. I went out into the hall, picked Lola up and carried her into the bedroom where we finished my nap.

She, naturally, is still laying in her particular spot right next to my stack of pillows.

Now, while I was out on my walk this afternoon I saw not one but two yards full of pale purple crocuses, the kind that seem to spread like wild. I know they ought to be a sign of spring, and I also know that spring is coming, but I watched The Weather Channel today and those people say we're expecting snow Sunday through Tuesday. It's some kind of coastal storm caused by high speed upper atmospheric winds... or something that sounded technical enough that I believed that it wasn't a bald-faced lie.

I like snow well enough, but I think it sucks that those little wildish crocuses are going to freeze to death. Yesterday was gorgeous, and I would have been fine with that sort of weather for the next couple of weeks. Also, every time snow has fallen this season I've been out at Fairfax Hospital as a patient. I'm not sure I like my chances.

2001-02-28, evening, quick update comments (0)

before - after

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