. Ham on Wry .
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They promised me spring, so I'm looking for spring.

I'm with the rest of the metropolitan area: I've had enough of this cold weather. I know that it's still snowing in Mpls, and I know that other folks in Parts North of Here have colder weather, but they expect that.

We just flat out don't.

It's not as if the weather is keeping me from going out doing exciting things, since I feel lousy and don't leave my house very often, but I suspect I'd make myself at least go out in the front yard and trim the dead stalks of the gladiola from last year if the temperature would nudge up a little. I swear I'd get around to changing my wiper blades, and I'd clean out my car.

In celebration of spring coming, I painfully [1] removed all the hair from my legs, and I polished my toenails glittery pearlescent pink. I think it's a real shame that my handiwork is visible only to me.

Now: The products I hate to be without, skin care division.

1. Philosophy Real Purity--This is a cleanser. It doesn't make my skin feel dry, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't sting in any way. If you wear makeup, you should have some of this.

2. Philosophy Deeply Superficial--It's got fruit enzymes, so you can leave it on for 15 minutes and let it work at the dead skin cells before you scrub it away, or you can simply scrub. This stuff rocks.

3. Mercier Lip Silk--The best lip balm I have ever used. Wow.

4. Neutrogena Body Oil--I think it would be a mess in a bath, but it's the absolute best right after a shower, before you dry off. Amazing for both summer or winter.

5. L'Occitaine Shea Butter--There are so many uses for this stuff, I can't even begin to list them. I think my favorite is as a deep hair conditioner.

[1]It didn't hurt that much, but it was slightly more painful than shaving. On the other hand, I won't have to do it again until June or so, and that rocks.

2001-03-27, late night comments (0)

before - after

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