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Can I call you Al?

Dear Al Gore:

Did it occur to you, Bleeding Boomer Ivy League Legacy Case that you are, that the rest of us long since ceased caring who really won the election that happened THREE WEEKS AGO, already. You're starting to look unreasonable.

I'm being kind. I don't know why I'm being kind, but I am. You've looked unreasonable for several days now. Just throw in the towel already! Please! There are people out there who have lives; they're living; you should try it, too.

Remember your family? I think all your daughters are out of college by now. At least the eldest is married, and you may be a grandfather for all you know. Your boy--remember, the one who almost died in the car accident several years ago?--is well on his way to adulthood. Maybe you should get to know them before it's too late.

If you won't give up this fight for your family, do it for us. We're tired of hearing about the legal machinations in Florida. (Well, I am; and I think I speak for almost everybody.) If you won't do it for us, for crying out loud, Al, do it for yourself. You have to know that whoever takes office is a lame duck from minute one, what with congress stymied and every other voter hating the president's guts, what's the point? You may as well let Shrub be the scapegoat. Take the easy way out, the way your generation has been doing since it was born.

For me, the point is that I don't want to see Katherine Harris' snide little face and 1980s hair ever again. I hear she really wants to be a US senator. Hah! Al, lets let her fifteen minutes be over.

I think we all know that if the balloting in Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties had been above board, you would have taken Florida. I think we also know that if you hadn't made serious tactical errors in Tennessee and Arkansas, possibly Ohio, the result of the election wouldn't be in question.

Nobody voted Shrub smarter or better than you. I think we all know that most of the people who voted for him are Republicans first who would have voted for anybody the party chose to run; I think we also know that John McCain would have hung you out to dry on November 7.

Concede, Al. It's time.



2000-11-28, evening comments (0)

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