. Ham on Wry .
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Bush not liar, Bush says

I'm so disappointed in the American people right now.

I'd like to remind them that George W. Bush just barely speaks English; have you come so close to electing a special ed kid? I'd like to remind them that the governor of Texas is kind of like the Queen of England--not responsible for anything.

I don't know for a fact that Shrub will be our next president, but I know that right this minute, the American people have scared me, and I don't like that.

When I was under heavy sedation during my first hospital stay, I dreamed that Al Gore was elected. It's not that I'm a huge Gore fan--I was a Bradley supporter and didn't even vote for Gore, though I would have if I lived someplace where it would have mattered--but George Quincy Bush scares me. If he can get himself elected, any idiot can. That's scary!

In other news, I think I'm going to ask Mom to go back over to Fred's because her drinking, smoking and poor eating habits are stressing me out. I don't need the stress. What I need is rest and relaxation rocketing through my brain.

2000-11-07, night comments (0)

before - after

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