. Ham on Wry .
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Lots of things in the lab to do, lots of things to do

Weird dream last night.

I was on a large boat, a sort of yacht, sailing in the Gulf of Mexico. Maybe I was going from New Orleans to Texas, it wasn't clear; I could see the skyline of Dallas, even though in real life that's not possible. As I said, this was a dream.

I hadn't packed for the trip, but my cats were on the boat. As the boat pulled into its slip, it began taking on water. The person who was sailing the boat didn't seem to be too concerned. (He was just some random person, although at times I seemed to think he was my brother, J.; and at other times I seemed to think he was Fedward--which makes sense, because Fedward reminds me a little bit of my brother, but in other ways he doesn't.) Even the cats looked nothing more than nonplussed by the water; I didn't worry, either.

Anyway, the water flowed off the boat, but also away from the slip. The sand was filled with gorgeous pink and white shells, and I wanted to get out and pick them up, but my shoes had been swept away with the water.

It was dark, and that's when I looked up and saw the lights from downtown Dallas.

I'm not sure whether I woke up at that point, or whether in the context of the dream, I thought about the shells, the water, and my shoes and said that it had to mean something.


On the other hand, October is truly upon us. It's not the temperature difference, it's the amount of light and the colorful trees. On Capitol Hill, the trees are wild with oranges and yellows, little touches of reds, even pinks in places.

When I looked at the seven-day forecast last weekend, I should have known that sunny days, highs in the 70s weren't going to happen. There had been one day, Monday, that said scattered showers, high in the 60s; now it looks like we're in for a whole week of that.

And now I have Things to Do.

2000-10-18, 13:21:41 comments (0)

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