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Rant about bathroom stuff

Happy Fifth of July. The frenzy is over and now we can get back to the business of sweltering.

Fedward's entry today reminds me of the most absurd thing I ever saw at a National Symphony July 4th concert on the Capitol Lawn.

This was several years ago, and Chita Rivera was one of the guest vocalists. One of her songs was "America" from West Side Story, which seemed to have been included without any thought that it's a song about racism and injustice. I sat there and shook my head thinking of the line "I think I'll go back to San Juan/I know a boat you can get on!" Meanwhile, all the fat Tourist Americans sat and sang "la-la-la-la-la America!"

There are things I don't understand about my mother. She told me on the way home from the hospital that she had cleaned the upstairs bathroom, which was fine with me. After I paid much attention to Lola, I walked upstairs and saw a couple of paper grocery bags filled with bathroom stuff, and there was a noticible lack of bathroom stuff in the confines of the bathroom. I puzzled for a moment, then asked her about the bags.

She told me that she had taken all the stuff out of the bathroom in order to determine what we really use. This, apparently, included things like our toothbrushes and shampoo; this included things like my contact lenses and supplies. I don't know about you, but her tactic does not make sense to me. I agree that I keep a lot of bottles, boxes and bags of various products in the bathroom; to me, this is not a problem! I really do use all that bath stuff, all those hair care products, all those scrubs and cleansers. Yes, I put all that stuff on my face. What is her problem?

I suppose what this says is that I have girly girl leanings, and that I will not apologize to anybody for them. You just don't mess with a girly-girl's bathroom stuff.

2000-07-05, 12:13:41 comments (0)

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