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Huge and Terrifying

It seems that no matter how hard I think each night as I struggle to get to sleep, think about all the things I'm going to accomplish the next day, I end up sleeping until some ungodly hour. Today I got up around noon, which is early for me. Of course, exactly two of the things on my conceptual to-do list were accomplished: I called the pharmacy with my refills and I located an opthalmologist. (I located the opthalmologist after 5, so I'll call tomorrow. Really.)

I assume that most of the reason I feel so weird right now is the strangeness in my vision. Have I talked about this yet? Basically the vision in my left eye is perfect with either glasses or contact lenses. The vision in my right eye is screwed up no matter what, though I think it's less screwed up when I'm wearing contacts.

The result is that I have headaches almost all the time. This sucks, but it puts getting things done at a much lower priority than sleeping off headaches.

Oh. Y'all remember how I wrote last week about Lola showing up on my doorstep at exactly the right time? Something else like that happened to me last night. I got home and noticed that a flyer had been slipped through my mail slot. Ordinarily I would have crumpled it up and tossed it into the junk mail basket without any examination, but this looked like something that might have been from a neighborhood watch group, so I took a look.

What it turned out to be was an announcement of the whole block yard sale. This is cool because I had just been thinking that it might be a good thing to have a yard sale, but mine isn't the best neighborhood for yard sale-ing. So this flyer that I almost tossed made me unspeakably happy.

In other words, I did two things today that hadn't been on my conceptual to-do list, which was formulated some time between 3 and 4 this morning. I started a list on paper of things for the yard sale, and I tried the green drink.

Green Drink is supposed to be good for you. It's got wheat grass and spirulina and stuff in it; and, well, it's supposed to be good for you. (I keep reminding myself so I'll remember why I needed to try it.) Although I had heard that the taste was nasty, and my sole experience with wheat grass juice led me to believe those hearings, I mixed the powder with half apple juice and half water. It wasn't so bad. I think I could manage to drink it every day.

It's supposed to give you energy, because we all know how much Americans like green vegetables. If it works, kind of like the cleaning plan, I'll report back.

(The cleaning plan is sort of working and sort of not working. It's hard to tell, but I'm hoping that the yard sale will help out with the clutter part.)


If I remember correctly, the title of this entry came from a sleazy romance novel called Zanzara that my best friend had in high school. It wasn't very romantic, but it was very sleazy and it contained the phrase "huge and terrifying." I believe the phrase was used to describe some African chieftan. If my guess is right, the only reason this character appeared in the book was so the author could use that phrase.

2001-04-24, Night comments (0)

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