. Ham on Wry .
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It's a hard life, not caring about Jesus, you know

Well, here it is a month later and I'm out of the hospital.

I don't disagree that this joke has little if any life left, but I also doubt that it's over. Docs have no idea what's wrong with me, except that my kidney "doesn't seem to be working."

That and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee in the lobby. They say it's better coffee than you get in the hospital cafeteria, but I'm not so sure.

Anyway, a couple of hours ago I busted myself out. They said I could go after the biopsy results were read, then they went to read the results, then I never saw them again.

I left at 1:15, after saying that I wouldn't stay a minute past noon. I might have stayed as late as 1:30 except that the woman in the other bed wouldn't shut up about Jesus. That's fine for her, and fine for Jesus, but it wasn't fine for me. I left before I started to peel off her skin with my fingernails.

I don't really feel fine, but I've felt worse, and right now that's enough.

2001-07-20, Afternoon comments (0)

before - after

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