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The event last night went very well. I turned a 60-ish high-power real estate agent onto Urban Decay and Nars. Good for me. Everybody accepted me as a professional makeup artist, which was weird, but I guess I should get business cards made up. (I mentioned to one of the women that I did have a day job, because she seemed very interested in hiring me. Of course, I also gave her my phone number.)

It was a lot of fun, and I was reminded that a lot of women are afraid of makeup. Imagine being afraid of makeup...

And now, a tip I learned from the hair part of the event. If you use styling products, you should rinse your hair under the shower for two to three minutes before adding shampoo. I tried this last night and my hair was noticibly cleaner. Then, your final rinse after conditioner should be with the coldest water you can stand to seal in the conditioner.

In any case, the three-hour thing was exhausting. I came home, pet cats for a bit and collapsed; I slept until 11:30 and hardly moved in between. All I did was talk and paint faces.

Most annoying diaryland banner ad slogan of the week: "I suffer, but I survive." I hope that diarist doesn't think that makes her (?) special. The only reason I even look at the ads is because I haven't done mine yet. I know I suck. I haven't done the ads because I can't seem to come up with a new template that I like for more than five minutes. Every last one of them has been wrong, wrong, wrong.

I was thinking of putting an ad for the diary on google, because their "got five minutes and a credit card? get an ad!" link intrigued me.

Speaking of google, weirdest search engine hit recently: how much do dentist drills hurt? Um, that would depend on the anesthetic. Guh, I hope that poor searcher wasn't looking to have a root canal without a pain killer. Ow.

2001-06-19, Afternoon comments (0)

before - after

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