. Ham on Wry .
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I'm wearing fur pajamas. (No, not really.)

Still doesn't feel like winter, which means that it doesn't feel like Christmas around here. Sometimes I think I ought to move to New England, or Minnesota, or some other place north of here where I can guarantee a harsh winter, only there's a problem: I don't want my harsh winter to last more than two weeks, and I don't necessarily want to have to go outside in it.

In spite of that, and also despite having been raised in Texas, I still think that Florida is the weirdest place on earth because it's so warm in the wintertime. That can't be right. Places were meant to have seasons. Washington was meant to have seasons, too, but we're not getting them this year. I should say something about global warming here, but I don't know enough about it to make any sense on the subject. If you happen to have some knowledge about global warming, please feel free to share with the class. We'd appreciate it.

I think.

Life is OK today, though I woke up when the phone rang and it was a collection agent trying to collect on some bills my insurance agency should have paid a year ago. I told him to call them and gave him their phone number. That's why I pay premiums, people.

After a week of gray days the sky is blue and the sun is shining on Capitol Hill. I really should get dressed and head down to the Market to buy a wreath, but I am very comfortable in my fleece pajamas. That was the point of this whole entry, so I could tell you that I dragged my fleece jammies out of storage limbo and slept in them last night, even though they are big and baggy now. They're jammies, I don't think it matters as much.

Fleece, honestly, is one of the nicer things about winter. I pity folks who life fleece-free lives in overly warm states. See, thanks to global warming, I get the best of both worlds!

12.15.2001, 10:52 a.m. comments (0)

before - after

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