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Visions of Sugarplums

The weekend was fairly uneventful. I ended up going to Front Royal with Ed. The first night we saw his vacation pictures from Japan, plus the beginning of Tino's film, some of which was culled from random Beta tapes he found in his parents' basement. The film has yet to be completed because the motherboard blew up on his editing machine, and because the hard drive on said machine is full. The one thing you want if you're doing DV is a ton of storage space, more than you think you'll ever need.

Tino shot some footage of us all in the kitchen. I was sitting on a barstool at the island, just sort of rocking back and forth. I can just imagine the voiceover "This is Amanda. She's our slow friend." I looked very pale, and my hair looked very dark. Ed looked rather bald. Nicole looked monochromatic. I'd say the whole thing was a little other-worldly.

We spent Sunday baking cookies, at least Nicole did. I took a nap on the couch, which I desperately needed. I'm not sure why I was so tired.

So today is Tuesday, and I'm contemplating leaving the house to put my Netflix DVDs in the mail, but I haven't even made it to dressed yet. The mailbox is 2.5 blocks away, and I think I can make it. The next things in my Netflix queue are happy cheerful MGM musicals, which should provide a good contrast to Dancer in the Dark, the last thing I watched.

It's the season for sugar-coating, don't you know? I am not certain about my own holiday baking. Generally I manage to do some, but I can't really think of any reason why at this point. I would like to get cards out, but I also know that may not happen.

If you get a card from me, it will probably arrive in January. OK? Tonight is fake tree raising night, which means I have to pull the ornaments out of the basement. I think this signals that I should get dressed soon.

Update: The fake tree is up. At first it looked like an unmitigated disaster, but after fluffing the branches a little it looks more like a tree than not. The pre-lit part of the tree is a beautiful feature indeed, and I like that it won't be a fire hazard.

Also, I managed to walk all the way to Eastern Market today, and then home. I was slow coming home, laden with takeout, but I felt some sense of accomplishment having walked to a place, bought food, and walked home.

12.11.2001, Afternoon comments (0)

before - after

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