. Ham on Wry .
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Welcome December, please wipe your feet on the mat

Swell. Just Swell.

December finds me with computer problems in addition to not feeling so great. I managed to find a work-around, but it is so very silly I almost didn't think of it. See, if one wants to run an application on this machine, one goes to "run" and types in the name of the application, if one can recall the one word code for the application one wants to run.

I've said it before, and this won't be the last time, Windows Sucks Rocks. I know you all know this, certainly I'm not enlightening anybody by sharing my disatisfaction with Windows... I just need to get back out.

Now to find my geek card. I know it's in here somewhere.

The idea of holiday preparations seems completely daunting when it's all I can do to get out of bed. The problem is half in my head and half in my back. I don't know which is worse, but I'm going to start working with a massage therapist on the back stuff. I met with her over the weekend and she said she wanted to talk to some of my medical people.

Guh. I hope somebody calls her back. In the mean time, I'm doped up on pain killers and not liking that one bit.

Anyway, be good. I'll update as the machine will let me, but rest assured that I am not back in the hospital.

I'm so thankful for that I just can't find the words...

12.04.2001, Morning comments (0)

before - after

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