. Ham on Wry .
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At last, something to report

I do have some actual news that has nothing to do with snipers, politics or snark of any variety. Or even recipes, though I got a really fine Hot Fudge Sundae recipe in the spam-I-wanted this week. (I'm sure you're asking who really needs a recipe for a hot fudge sundae, and I kind of agree with you, but this one is extra special.)

The news is that I have another potential living donor in testing to give me a kidney. Can I get an amen? See, I told you it was good news. The donor works with my mom, though not in the same office. I have never met this person.

We even have a backup plan. There's another of mom's co-worker who would be willing to donate a kidney to the general pool (he's the wrong blood type to donate to me directly) and I would go to the top of the list after the surgery. That would still be a cadaver kidney, which isn't the ideal. However, that's what I'm waiting on now, so if that happened, my wait would be drastically reduced.

So things are looking up, although I'm trying not to believe anything will come of it. I've had people in testing before and it hasn't worked out with any of them. Apparently my antigens are weird because of the multiple blood transfusions.

Well, I do have one thing to say about the sniper. It doesn't bother me. The media attention bothers me, but I kind of feel like we're living in an episode of Homicide. I am still mad at Court TV for taking away Homicide on a daily basis. Grrr.

Not that I want my part of the world to have a sniper, but it should serve to remind us all that Washington (incldng its environs) is more than a monolithic word that means "moron about to talk, beware!" This is just a city like any other city. And right now we have a sniper on the loose.

I can't wait to see the catfight between the teevee cop shows to see who gets it.

10.09.2002, 9:53 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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