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Laziest. Cats. Ever.

Those would be mine, naturally. Both girls went to bed when I did, about 10:00 last night. I woke up several times during the night for various reasons, and I noted that neither of them had moved.

I woke up about 9 and got out of bed. Neither cat moved. I went back to bed to take a nap a few hours later and the girls were exactly where I had left them. I began to wonder if some alien force field had them in its grips, so I tried scritching Hecate's head; she bit my hand.

When I woke from my nap at 2:30, neither of the cats felt like it was time for them to get up, so they stayed where they were. I went out for an appointment, which I thought was at 4:00, but was actually at noon while we were napping. When I arrived back home, the cats were still in my bed.

In fact, Hecate is still there, all black against the white covers. Lola came downstairs and begged for some of what I was eating, so I gave her a bite and then sent her back to her bowl.

Anyway, when I say that I sleep as much as cats, I guess they hear that and they think I need a subtle reminder what species holds the record for napping. (I don't think they know about bears, so please don't tell them.)

I got the message, girls.

10.11.2001, 4:27 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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