. Ham on Wry .
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What I Have Not Got

You know, it doesn't take that long for your tastebuds to help you out, if you know what I mean. And if you don't, here's a bit of explanation.

Since I am back on dialysis, I have to follow a fairly low-sodium diet--though after doing some research, it looks like 3,000 miligrams per day is a very generous allowance. Almost since my transplanted kidney went away, virtually everything salty has repulsed me. That became abundantly clear today.

Ed called and we decided to go to lunch and a movie. My whole theory on eating is that I can take a few bites, and that's fine. It means that if I eat out, I end up throwing away a lot of food because they won't just bring you a couple of bites.

We chose this Mexican place that turned out to be freaky. The brunch platters were served with mashed potatoes. Who ever heard of a Mexican restaurant that even served mashed potatoes? Supposedly the guy who runs the place is a Texas Ex. I'd like to know where in Austin he learned that trick.

Anyway, I ordered something called a Burrito Huevo. I thought I was getting eggs and veggies. Both were present in my burrito, but I soon discovered a special guest star. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome ham! When faced with a particularly salty flour tortilla, covered with melted salty cheese in combination with ham chunks that made the filling all salty, I was completely grossed out.

I managed to pick out a little bit of filling from the middle, and I ate the side dish, managing to swap Ed his watermelon chunks for my canteloupe. I thought about sending it back, because it really was disgusting, but I settled for telling the waiter how bad the whole thing was.

So, at this point I'm convinced that salt has ruined the American palate. Right now, the only thing that appeals to me is fresh, raw veggies. I also like tuna and oatmeal, but not together. Peanut butter toast is all right, but not always. Fruit makes me happy, but the kind of fruit I can eat is fairly limited.

So I go on with my little bites, and I make sure to chew my food thoroughly. The whole point was that it doesn't matter that I can't have that much sodium; I don't really want it. I miss tomatoes, but I do not miss salt.

09.29.2001, 10:26 p.m. comments (0)

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