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Rummaging around

It's not that I've been away, or even that I've had nothing to say, but something to say and the motivation to sit down at the machine and write something that isn't factual information about cats has been in short supply.

Which is to say that I have been writing, just not anything that would be of any interest to the general public, particularly if you're not really interested in cats. However, here it is Wednesday night, I think I've watched everything on TiVo except a movie I don't feel like watching right now, and Six Feet Under, which is failing to speak to me at the moment.

So I turn to Diaryland. Lucky y'all.


I'm going to kick TiVo's ass soon if it doesn't stop recording America's Funniest...Videos, Animals, Car Chases, whatever. It all sucks and I don't want to see any of it. I thought I vetoed this suggestion most emphatically, but apparently it hasn't learned that the thing I didn't want on Saturday is also a thing I don't want on Tuesday. It seems like every time I walk into the room where the A/V stuff lives, it's watching the Disney Cbannel. I have friends whose TiVos inexplicably choose soft porn, and another friend said his occasionally records C-SPAN, but the other day mine grabbed a made-for-teevee yawner starring Kathie Lee Gifford. I assume it was rated suitable for toddlers.

I don't get it.

I allow it to record King of the Hill and Space Ghost, but it hasn't even suggested The Simpsons. I thought TiVo came with The Simpsons preset to record.


The other day I was standing in line at CVS and I noticed something strange on a shelf. It appeared to be an Oreo Barbie. Now, I didn't look closely, but I'm curious about the Oreo Barbie. It appeared to be your standard issue blonde Barbie wearing some Oreo-blue outfit that may have been a jumpsuit. But I thought the Oreo Barbie had some interesting possibilities. It could be a brown skinned doll that acts white, or blondie could have a pull-string and be rappingin Ebonics. Or it could be white on one side, but if you turn it around, it's black. Like Growing Up Skipper, only different.


The other night I made dinner. I cooked a steak to rare perfection, blackened on the outside, still red in the middle. I had marinated it in olive oil and balsamic vinegar, which was inspired by a tip from Cook's Illustrated, and I cooked it in a cast-iron skillet. Served with salad and broccoli in butter. Very tasty stuff.

Free range grass fed beef really helps. It's better than American corn fed beef and a lot better than beef fed a variety of junk. I don't like to think about how what I'm making for dinner lived, because that's an unpleasasnt reminder that I'm eating something dead, but the illusion that these cows had some small bit of freedom is... I don't know, comforting.

09.18.2002, 9:26 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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